Code of Behaviour of Coláiste Choilm C.B.S.
Swords, Co. Dublin.
Scope of Policy:
This policy applies to all students of Coláiste Choilm and to all school related activities during and outside school hours. It applies on and off the school premises and anywhere students are clearly identifiable as students of Coláiste Choilm. The Code of Behaviour was developed in consultation with teachers, parents/guardians, students and Board of Management of Coláiste Choilm C.B.S., Swords.
educational philosophy of the school as safeguarded by the BOM andTrustees.
Link to Ethos
Coláiste Choilm is a Catholic school under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust (E.R.S.T.). The school is governed by the ethos of the trust as set out in the Edmund Rice Schools Trust Charter. The mission of schools in the Trust is to provide Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition and the vision is to support the personal social and moral development of each student.
The Charter sets out what is viewed by the Trustees as the key elements of an ERST school: nurturing faith and Gospel values; creating a caring school; promoting partnership; excelling in teaching and learning; and inspiring transformational leadership.
Link to Mission Statement
The mission statement of Coláiste Choilm states that the aim of the school is to provide a holistic education which is driven by a Catholic ethos. The school strives to create a safe environment which fosters inclusion, honesty, dignity and respect. The school community encourages the individual in the pursuit of excellence. We aim to promote among students a sense of pride in our school.
In keeping with this ethos, the school, as part of its Code of Behaviour, provides supports to ensure that each student reaches his full potential. This includes a well-developed pastoral care, guidance counselling and learning support & resource services. The following are included as part of this service: a year head and tutor system, a care team, a resource team, a guidance service and SPHE classes.
The Code of Behaviour is further supported through the school policies on anti-bullying,
substance abuse, homework and attendance.
Policy Objectives:
aims/ethos to be realised.
are based on consideration, respect and tolerance towards others.
them the ability to solve problems, develop relationships and resolve conflict appropriately.
The Code of Behaviour is connected in its operation to other policies that currently operate in Coláiste Choilm C.B.S. and that will operate in the future. These are:
1.0 Behaviour:
Politeness, courtesy and respect for all members of the school community including teachers, non-teaching staff and fellow pupils is encouraged, modelled in practice and regularly affirmed. A high standard of loyalty and personal behaviour from each student in Coláiste Choilm is expected.
1.2 Each student has a duty to:
1.3 Role of parents/guardians
Parents/guardians are responsible for emphasising at home the need for good behaviour at school and for supporting the school’s efforts in creating and maintaining a school climate where effective learning and teaching can take place. Parents are requested to monitor the homework journal and communicate with the school as needed.
1.4 Promotion of a positive learning environment:
Coláiste Choilm promotes self-discipline and a positive learning environment through encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour. This positive school environment is created by:
1.5 Levels of intervention
1.5.1 Support for all
Students are given clear guidance on classroom rules and behaviour. Accordingly, minor misbehaviour is dealt with effectively by the class teacher. Incoming First-Year students receive an induction programme on behaviour and the classroom code. Students are reminded of the rules by the class teachers on a regular basis. The school and teaching staff implement a uniform approach to classroom management.
1.5.2 Additional support
Students who need extra support may need intervention by the Year Head. Monitoring of records by Year Heads will identify these students. Strategies employed to assist these students include:
1.5.3 Specialised support for challenging behaviour
For students who fail to respond to the behaviour code or who show particularly challenging behaviour:
Once these interventions are exhausted and the school can no longer facilitate the needs of the student, the student will be referred to the Board of Management.
1.6 Role of the subject (class) teacher:
Coláiste Choilm encourages good relationships between staff and students. Teachers bring their professional abilities as teachers and classroom managers to promote learning and positive behaviour, their experience of what works well and understanding of the school community.
Minor breaches of discipline such as hindering teaching and learning, failure to do homework or bring in books and arriving late for class are primarily dealt with by the teacher. In dealing with such issues the teacher may:
Note: Persistent minor breaches of the Code of Behaviour are deemed a serious breach of behaviour and are referred to the relevant Year Head.
1.7 Role of the Year Head:
The role of the Year Head is to oversee the welfare of a Year group so that learning at every level is supported. As part of these duties, the Year Head may, with respect to an individual student:
1.8 Role of the Deputy Principal:
The role of the Deputy Principal, in conjunction with subject (class) teachers, Year Heads and the Principal, is to coordinate the implementation of the Code of Behaviour; specifically:
1.9 Role of the Principal:
The role of the Principal, in conjunction with subject (class) teachers, Year Heads and the Deputy Principal, is to coordinate the implementation of the Code of Behaviour; specifically:
2.0 Teaching and Learning:
The school insists that all students perform to their potential in a positive and calm learning and studying environment. To promote this, Coláiste Choilm requires that:
2.1 Students must adhere to the Classroom Code and support the teachers
2.2 Students arrive each day with all books, copies and classroom equipment
2.3 All personal electronic equipment should be turned off and out of view while on school
premises. Parents/guardians who need to contact students in case of an emergency should telephone the school office 01 - 8401420).
2.4 Homework must be done punctually and to an acceptable standard (see Homework
2.5 Journals up to Junior Cert level must be signed by parents/guardians and maintained to
a high standard
2.6 Persistent failure of a student to apply himself to studies is liable to serious sanction.
2.8 Students using the toilets need their homework journal signed and timed by the teacher.
2.9 Toilet breaks at class change-over are forbidden.
2.10 All students are expected to have the appropriate gear, both indoor and outdoor, for Physical Education classes (i.e. shorts, tracksuit, t-shirt, non –black soled runners, boots and shin guards). Note: See Policy on PE for sanctions.
2.11 Lockers (see Policy on Lockers)
2.11.1 Each student is supplied with a padlock and key
2.11.2 Students should keep all valuables in the locker
2.11.3 Only school-issued locks are allowed
2.11.4 Lockers may not be accessed between classes. Students can collect equipment before lessons commence or at break times i.e. 8.40, 10.50, 1.00 and 1.50
Parents who need to contact students in case of emergency should always telephone the school office (01) 8401420
3.0 Uniform:
3.1 The school uniform should be worn at all times during school hours and at all school- related activities.
3.2 Pupils are required to be neat of dress and appearance.
3.3 All jewellery including earrings, bars and studs are prohibited
3.4 The school uniform is grey trousers, grey jumper (juniors) navy (seniors), collared grey polo shirt, black/brown shoes (no runners or canvas shoes) and school jacket.
3.5.1 Physical Education (P.E.) uniform consists of dark-coloured tracksuit bottoms and top, T-shirt and suitable footwear.
3.5.2 Directions given by P.E. teachers on the suitability and appropriateness of P.E. uniform must be followed.
3.5.3 The wearing of jewellery during P.E. is a health and safety issue and students may not take part in P.E. activities whilst wearing jewellery.
3.6 Clothing or jewellery which displays offensive imagery or language is considered a serious breach of the Code of Behaviour and will be dealt with appropriately.
4.0 Attendance and Punctuality:
4.1 Regular attendance is expected and encouraged.
4.2 Students must use the electronic swipe system, before the commencement of morning and afternoon lessons – an automatic report of absences is included in term
4.3.1 A pupil who is absent from school must on return provide a written note as provided for
in the Homework Journal; confidential information can be communicated directly to the
Year Head by sealed letter or by telephone to the school office 01-8401420.
4.3.2 In the case of long-term absences, parents/guardians should notify the
Year Head by telephone or in writing.
4.4 Medical and dental appointment cards are to be presented at least 1 day in advance.
4.5 School begins at 8.50 a.m. Students should arrive not later than 8.45a.m. and are expected to have organised books and equipment for the first set of classesin time to arrive promptly for the start of their first lesson. This also applies at 10:50 and at 1:50
Note: see attendance policy
Note: Welfare Act
5.0 Care of the School:
Coláiste Choilm is a Green School and we expect to work in a pleasant environment, free from litter
and graffiti. The whole school community shares a responsibility for maintaining a clean and safe environment conducive to learning.
5.1 Chewing gum is not allowed in the building.
5.2 Eraser fluids (e.g. Tippex) are prohibited.
5.3 Eating or drinking is prohibited except in the canteen area.
5.4 Littering or graffiti are not acceptable
5.5 Students are expected to respect the property of others and school property including
5.6 Deliberate vandalism of school or student property is deemed a serious offence and will
be dealt with under Section 7 of the Code of Behaviour.
Students will be required to make good any damage or soiling done to school property or to the property of other students
Students may also be asked to perform tasks in the school appropriate to the misbehaviour.
6.0 Health and Safety:
School is a place of safety for all; members of the school community are encouraged to participate in creating an awareness regarding health and safety issues within the school and on school activities off-premises.
6.1 All forms of bullying are unacceptable and should be reported to a member of staff (see
Anti-Bullying Policy).
6.2 Safety notices are posted around the school buildings and should be adhered to at all
times. Students are expected to read these regularly and conduct themselves in a safe manner.
6.3 Students are required to walk on the left-hand side of the corridors and to behave in an
orderly, quiet manner.
6.4 Students are required to follow all safety instructions given by teaching or non-teaching staff.
6.5 Students must pay attention to and obey all safety regulations. Science laboratories, the
gymnasium, Art, Technology and Woodwork rooms are areas which require high awareness of safety.
6.6 Interference with fire-fighting or any safety equipment or anything which leads to the
evacuation of the school is treated as a serious offence (gross misbehaviour)
6.7 The possession, use or consumption of alcohol or of non -prescribed drugs (including
alcohol) is forbidden at all times. (see Substance Abuse Policy)
6.8 Cycling in the yard is forbidden.
6.9 Parking space is limited. Students who drive to school are forbidden from parking in the
school grounds.
6.10 Any behaviour which endangers the health and safety of any members of the school
community is treated with the upmost seriousness by the Principal and Board of Management.
6.11 Any unauthorised usage of the internet, digital media or mobile phone which intrudes on the privacy and dignity of staff, students or their families is deemed a serious breach of the school Code of Discipline and/or Anti-bullying Policy.
7.0 Procedures for Detention:
Teacher Detention is a sanction applied by subject (class) teachers for persistent minor breaches of the Code of Behaviour or for incidents of a more serious nature. Year Head Detention is a sanction applied by the Year Head for serious issues of misbehaviour which have not yet been resolved, which have been referred by a subject teacher, or for issues which the Year Head deems serious.
In each case, a standard form is sent to the parents/guardians outlining the following information:
Note: failure to attend detention without a satisfactory explanation is deemed a serious offence.
8.0 Grounds for suspension are:
8.1 A student’s behaviour is a persistent cause of disruption to the learning of others or the teaching process.
8.2 A threat to the safety of others.
8.3 Serious damage to property or theft of property.
Coláiste Choilm C.B.S. is required by law to follow fair procedures when proposing to suspend a student (see 10.3 and 10.4 of the NEWB guidelines for more detail).
8.4 Suspension Procedure:
8.4.1. The Principal or the Deputy-Principal in the absence of the Principal, has the authority to suspend a student. In the event that the Principal and Deputy Principal are unavailable, nominated substitutes will have the authority to suspend. This sanction should be imposed with reference to the Code of Behaviour policy and to the specific incident.
8.4.2. Where a preliminary assessment of the facts confirms serious misbehaviour that could warrant suspension, the school will observe the following procedures:
8.4.3 Where suspension may result from an investigation and a meeting with the student and parents/guardians has been arranged:
8.4.4. Where an immediate suspension is considered by the Principal to be warranted, a formal investigation will immediately follow the imposition of the suspension. In the case of an immediate suspension, parents will be notified and arrangements made with them for the student to be collected.
8.4.5. The National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB) will be informed if the suspension is for six or more school days or if the student has been suspended for an aggregate of twenty or more days in the school year.
8.5 Period and Type of Suspension:
8.4.1. In imposing a suspension and in deciding its duration, the following factors will be
its recurring
8.6. Implementing the Suspension:
8.6.1. The parents/guardians of a student being suspended will be informed by:
8.6.2. The letter will contain:
8.6.3. The letter may also contain the following (depending on individual circumstances):
8.6.4. During the period of suspension a student is not permitted to enter the school premises without prior permission nor is a student permitted to loiter in the vicinity of the school premises. The suspension may be lifted temporarily to facilitate a student to participate in a State Examination.
8.6.5. The student upon his return to school may be required to report to the Deputy
Principal and/or Year Head before being permitted to go to class.
8.7. Appeal:
8.7.1. Parents/guardians (and students aged 18 years or more) may appeal the decision to
suspend to the Board of Management. They should furnish the Board in writing with full
details of the appeal.
8.7.2. If the parents/guardians are not satisfied with the decision of the Board of
Management, they may appeal to the Department of Education and Science under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998. Such an appeal regarding suspension can only be made where the suspension period brings the cumulative period of suspension to 20 school days or more in any one school year.
8.8 Review of use of suspension:
The Board of Management will review the use of suspension in the school at regular intervals to ensure that its use is consistent with school policies, that patterns of use are examined to identify factors that may be influencing behaviour in the school and to ensure that use of suspension is appropriate and effective.
9.0 Expulsion (Permanent Exclusion):
9.1 Expulsion (Permanent Exclusion) is a sanction reserved for use in the most extreme cases of indiscipline or in serious cases of misbehaviour.
9.2. The Board of Management has the authority to expel a student. A student is expelled when the Board of Management makes a decision to permanently exclude him from the school, having complied with the provisions of Section 24 of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000.
9.3 Expulsion is the ultimate sanction available to the school and is exercised by the Board of Management only in extreme cases of unacceptable behaviour such as:
9.4. Expulsion Procedures:
9.4.1. A detailed investigation will be carried out under the direction of the Principal.
9.4.2 Where expulsion may result from an investigation and a meeting with the student and
their parents/guardians has been arranged:
9.4.3 If a student and his parents/guardians fail to attend a meeting, the Principal will write advising:
The school will record the invitation issued to parents/guardians and their response.
9.4.4. Where the Principal forms a view, based on the investigation of the alleged misbehaviour, that
expulsion may be warranted, the Principal will make a recommendation to the Board of Management to consider expulsion. The Principal will:
investigation; and written notice of the grounds on which the Board of
Management is being asked to consider expulsion
invite them to that hearing
9.4.5. It is the responsibility of the Board to review the initial investigation and satisfy itself that the investigation was properly conducted in line with fair procedures.
The Board should undertake its own review of all documentation and the circumstances of the case. It will ensure that no party who has had any involvement with the circumstances of the case is part of the Board's deliberations (for example, a member of the Board who may have made an allegation about the student).
9.4.6 The Board of Management will consider the Principal’s recommendation. If the Board decides to consider expelling the student it will hold a hearing.
9.4.7. The Board meeting for the purpose of the hearing should be properly conducted in accordance with Board procedures.
9.4.8. At the hearing, the Principal and the parents, or a student aged eighteen years or over, put their case to the Board in each other’s presence. Each party should be allowed to question the evidence of the other party directly.
9.4.10. The meeting may also be an opportunity for parents to make their case for lessening the
sanction. In the conduct of the hearing, the Board must take care to ensure that they are, and are seen to be, impartial as between the Principal and the student.
9.4.11. Parents may wish to be accompanied at hearings and the Board will facilitate this, in line with good practice and Board procedures.
9.4.12. After both sides have been heard, the Board should ensure that the Principal and parents are not present for the Board’s deliberations.
9.4.13. Board of Management deliberations and actions following the hearing:
9.5 Appeals:
A parent, or a student aged over eighteen years, may appeal a decision to expel to the Secretary
General of the Department of Education and Skills (Education Act 1998 Section 29). An appeal may
also be brought by the National Educational Welfare Board on behalf of a student.
9.6 Review of use of expulsion:
The Board of Management will review the use of expulsion in the school at regular intervals to ensure that its use is consistent with school policies, that patterns of use are examined to identify factors that may be influencing behaviour in the school and to ensure that use of expulsion is appropriate and effective.
10.0 School Records
Information relating to students is kept in a secure location in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988 and the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003.
10.1 Success Criteria
10.2 Review and evaluation
There will be a review of the policy every … years by the Code of Behaviour planning committee.
A report each year will be made to the Board of Management on the implementation of the policy.
I will be on time for class.
I will have the necessary books, materials and homework on my desk at the start of class
I will follow the teacher's instructions fully.
I will respect the right of my fellow students to learn and of my teacher to teach.
I will help to leave the classroom tidy
..... because I am responsible for my own learning
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